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Terms of Use der Website

The content presented on this website serves general information and is created with due care and to the best of our knowledge. We assume no liability for the accuracy, timeliness, completeness and availability of the information provided. In particular, no legal claims arising from the use of the information retrieved can be justified. Subject to change.

Wir sind bemüht, die Website kontinuierlich zu betreiben und erreichbar zu halten. Wir
übernehmen jedoch keine Gewährleistung oder Garantie, dass die Website oder ihre Inhalte ohne Unterbrechung oder überhaupt zur Verfügung stehen, fehlerfrei sind oder Fehler behoben werden. Wir schließen daher jegliche Haftung für Schäden, welcher Art auch immer, aus der Bereitstellung der Website ausdrücklich aus, soweit dies gesetzlich zulässig ist. 

If there are Internet links on our website to other websites (third-party websites), we assume no responsibility or liability for their content, timeliness, completeness, accuracy or legality, as this content is outside our area of ​​responsibility. Linked third-party websites do not necessarily reflect the views and/or opinions of our company.

All text, images and video material (“Material”) on the Website is protected by copyright. Unless otherwise stated, all copyright use and exploitation rights to the material rest exclusively with us. With regard to all intellectual property rights (e.g. industrial property rights, copyrights and related rights, etc.), no license or other right of use or exploitation is granted to anyone based on the use of the website. Trademarks, design, images, texts, parts of texts and other contents of the website may not be changed, copied, reproduced, edited, used, supplemented or used in any other way without our prior written consent.

Substantial Austrian law applies exclusively, excluding the reference norms of private international law and excluding the provisions of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods). The place of jurisdiction is the court with material jurisdiction for Vienna, Inner City. In the event of disputes with users who are consumers within the meaning of Section 1 KSchG, the place of jurisdiction applies to the place of residence, habitual residence or place of employment in accordance with Section 14 KSchG.